Rev. R. Ken Turner

Rev. R. Ken Turner, a renowned New Thought leader and transformational speaker, captivates audiences with his inspirational messages, blending spiritual wisdom with practical applications of Universal Principles. As the spiritual leader for Unity of Chicago South’s thriving online community, he simplifies complex ideas, enhancing his audience’s understanding of New Thought teachings. Author of the influential “Course in Nazarene Prosperity,” Rev. Turner offers a transformative exploration of over 42 of Jesus’s teachings, aimed at enriching spiritual consciousness. Known for his candid and compelling delivery, Rev. Turner inspires by merging timeless universal truths with modern scientific insights, awakening the divine awareness in everyone. Beyond the pulpit, Rev. Turner made a significant impact as the independent producer and host of a weekly television program promoting New Thought values for over two decades. He continues to spread his uplifting vision through the revitalized Innerquest podcast and the upcoming New Thought Blog, both designed to nourish the soul and enlighten the mind.

On the Way

InnerQuest Revived

Coming soon the newest addition to the R. Ken Speaks website – **InnerQuest**. We’re thrilled to announce the launch of this new blog, dedicated to exploring the depths of personal growth, self-discovery, and inner peace. At InnerQuest, we believe that the most profound adventures happen within, and our mission is to guide you on this transformative journey of “Be Better to Do Better”.

Sacred Wholeness Workshop

The Journey of Human and Spiritual Integration currently under development.